The Power of IUL
The Power of IUL
June 8, 2023

You thought you knew everything about IUL.

But most of what you’ve learned about index universal life, you’ve learned only from illustrations, so you’re missing some of the most important and crucial parts of the story.

For example, did you know that “upside market potential without downside market risk” is only HALF of the reason that IUL is so powerful?

Learn about the consequences of real-world market volatility on the policies that you’re selling and how IUL really works, and register now for this exclusive presentation with Joe Ross and Corebridge Financial.

Joe Ross, ChFC, CLU, CRC

Joe brings over 40 years of wisdom, experience, sales aptitude, and motivation to develop and deliver knowledge and skills that drive success for agents, financial advisors, and wholesalers. With his unique insights and acumen, Joe has been the brainchild behind sales concepts that have driven life insurance and annuity sales for decades.

Watch Presentation: