Wk5 // Do you see a shadow?
Wk5 // Do you see a shadow?
January 30, 2024

As the brisk winds of February roll in, we find ourselves on the cusp of that peculiar day when a small, furry creature named Punxsutawney Phil takes center stage, casting his weather-forecasting shadow on the quaint town of Punxsutawney. Legend has it that if Phil sees his shadow, winter will linger for six more weeks; if not, an early spring is in the cards.

But this story goes beyond the meteorological musings of a groundhog. Enter Bill Murray, the unsung hero of Groundhog Day. In the 1993 film bearing the same name, Murray’s character, Phil Connors, finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving Groundhog Day endlessly. A cosmic twist that transforms a seemingly simple day into a comedy masterpiece. He cant escape without changing himself and the trajectory of his life.

People smarter than I have figured out it took Bill Murray 33 years and 350 days to do so. Of course he had to go through his depression, better himself and grow as person.  He had to accept where he was and learn to love others and himself. He had to live for others to be able to continue to live his life.

BUT let us not forget, he had to buy life insurance as part of this process.  He had to plan for a world without him in order to correct his present state. As Groundhog Day approaches, we invite you to embrace the spirit of Bill Murray and not take 33 years and 350 day to take a look at your life insurance.  As Groundhog Day approaches, we invite you to embrace the spirit of Bill Murray and not take 33 years and 350 day to take a look at your life insurance.  As Groundhog Day approaches, we invite you to embrace the spirit of Bill Murray and not take 33 years and 350 day to take a look at your life insurance.