Wk20 // Prepare & Protect: Your Ultimate Guide to West Coast Living 🌿🔥💦
Wk20 // Prepare & Protect: Your Ultimate Guide to West Coast Living 🌿🔥💦
May 14, 2024

On the West Coast, this winter has been weird and wet.  I know I have received numerous claims on water damage and the rain isn’t over.  Hopefully, that spares us from a fire season but there’s no promise after bark beetles have killed many a scary amount of trees in our forest and natural lands and with our natural grasses that by their nature dry into nothing in the summer.  Managing your land properly though will help spare you from the floods and fires and hopefully now the mercury will start to rise and it’s good to have some projects other than plugging holes.

Now is the time to start prepping for the natural plants in the West/Southwest to dry out. So if you live next to a wild brush, it’s probably bigger and more beautiful than you’ve seen. Even still, cut it back from your property line and create at least 10 feet of defensible space. If you have seasonal plants, sure they’ve probably thrived so far but drought resistant plants are still your friends for fire safety and being able to handle the heat of the summer without turning into a tinderbox. The winds have also probably felled trees or branched; remove it all and/or rent a chipper and turn it to mulch. We still need to fill our aquifers.  Conservation is still key. Opt for an underground irrigation system not only for water conservation.  Many come with moisture sensors that won’t water when you have the free stuff from the sky.

Now that you’ve landscaped, time to have people over. If you have a gas grill, make sure to clear out all those lines.  While sitting dormant they can become ideal spots for small critters to nest, which in turn creates a pressurized blockage of flammable gas… not the way you want to be celebrating.

As for your pool, if it’s old with a diving board, it may be time to say goodbye to that board.  New pools cannot have them due to the risk they pose.  Yours is grandfathered in but especially with kids or drinking involved that makes adults act like kids, it poses a huge hazard that could ruin any party.

Good fences make good neighbors is also true for pools and trampolines.  No one likes a party that ends with a trip to the hospital.  Fence it in. You’ve had your parties but the temperature is rising and now it’s time to get away to that tropical resort you’ve been eyeing so you can sip on mai tais and make sure you prepare your house.

Hire a house/plant/animal sitter and if they can ask if they can change up the times they come each day. 

Get smart lights that you can remotely turn on and smart locks you can check on at any time. 

Maybe it’s time to invest in that security system

Don’t let a bad day ruin your whole summer.